2020 >

How LPWANs can help your IoT project

Pedro Bertoleti- Watch Now - Duration: 32:26

LPWANs play a major role in IoT systems, making low energy demanding and long range communication range projects possible to be done. 
In this talk, LoRaWAN and SigFox LPWANs will be discussed. This discussion goes from its ground-basics (such as explaining what are LPWANs and what they're used for) to the details and differences of LoRaWAN and SigFox and real use cases of both LPWANs. 
Talk topics:

  • What is a LPWAN?
  • Common features of LPWANs
  • Why are LPWANs so important for IoT?
  • LoRa and LoRaWAN: overview
  • SigFox: overview
  • SigFox and LoRaWAN: classes and how to use each class
  • Key factors when choosing a LPWAN for your project
  • Real use cases: SigFox
  • Real use cases: LoRaWAN 
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Score: 0 | 4 years ago | 1 reply

Thank you for the nice presentation!

Score: 0 | 4 years ago | no reply

Doini, thank you very much!

Score: 0 | 4 years ago | 2 replies

Is it possible to install signal "boosters" / repeaters when the LPWAN network signal strength is weak?

Score: 0 | 4 years ago | 1 reply

Sorry, I forgot to say something in the last answer: check for the Skyworks manufacturer. They have some amplifiers suitables for LoRa (example: SKY66423-11, which provides up to 27bBm output power)

Score: 0 | 4 years ago | no reply

Thank you.

Score: 0 | 4 years ago | no reply

Hi Sai.

Yes. There are amplifiers for LoRa radios available in the market.

Score: 0 | 4 years ago | 1 reply

Can you talk a little bit about estimated battery life with a primary battery? You mentioned it can run for years. What was the estimated battery life in some of your designs?

Score: 0 | 4 years ago | no reply

Hi Sai.
It depends on your whole design and your battery capacity. You need to measure your current consumption over time (from wake-up to sleep/depp-sleep to be able to calculate how long your battery will last.

However, in pratical terms, the electronic desings (low power designs) are made to survive with a single 18650 single-cell battery for up to 10 years.